SIMMY, THE GORGEOUS PURR MACHINE! Simmy loves to be petted and get her belly rubbed, and will put her paw up to remind you to continue! She loves her food and will let you know when she is hungry. Simmy will guide you into the kitchen and meow along the way until you put her…
MILO IS THE SWEETEST SENIOR YORKIE EVER! Sadly, Milo’s family is forced to find new digs for him. Originally adopted as a puppy from a puppy mill seizure at the Montreal SPCA, Milo has lived a charmed existence for 11 years. He is a pretty friendly guy with everyone, with one quirk – tall men…
IS YOUR DOG LOOKING FOR A PLAYMATE? This handsome tri-color brindle Shih Tzu is a sweet little guy who’s learning to trust after a tough start. Though he’s slow to warm up to new people and situations, Tokyo has made great progress in his foster home. After a few months, he now seeks out affection…
Meet Mama – the resilient and gentle-hearted girl who’s ready to find her forever home. Harley Quinn was found outside, bravely caring for her kittens despite the challenges of life as a stray. Now in a loving foster home, she’s discovering the comforts of a cozy bed, regular meals, and the simple joy of purring…
Meet Nox—Gorgeous and exotic looking like a black panther, Nox is a nine-month old bundle of energy and affection. To Nox, everyday is a joy and he delights in figuring out what mischief he can cause. In foster with 3 female cats, we know that Nox needs an active home with at least one other…
SUPER SMART BO HAS BEEN WAITING TOO LONG! Meet BO the energetic and fun-loving Mini-Goldendoodle who is always ready for a game of throw, fetch and repeat, after anything that bounces. A self-starter he can spend hours alone making his own fun and will keep you entertained! He loves learning new things and craves to…