To my best four legged friend Skadi 14 years ago you fulfilled my “every since I was a little girl” wish to have a dog. You showed us as first-time dog owners the unconditional love, loyalty, complete trust that only a dog can bring. You were my running companion for so many miles, on so…
I am a former adoptee from you seven years ago to a most beautiful blond cocker spaniel named Prince . The love for him and the pleasure I received was beyond what words can express. He was 14 years old and I miss him terribly. The love of a dog can never be matched …. ❤️…
On Oct 6th 2024 Chico joined Gerdy’s pack in heaven. There he has been reunited with Roxy, the German shepherd we also adopted from Gerdy. Those two were soul mates from the first day they met until the last day they shared on this earth. Chico was 21! Gerdy dropped him off at our home in…
I adopted Fanny from Gerdys in 2020 and I just wanted to let you know that she passed over the Rainbow Bridge on Friday. She was 16 1/2 years old, and I wish she could have stayed longer. She was an amazing pet and was good up until early last week and charmed everyone she…
September 1, 2014 – September 23, 2024 It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of Oscar, our joyful goldendoodle, after a battle with cancer. Oscar was rescued by Gerdy’s as a baby from an unheated barn in the winter. He leaped into his rescuer’s arms and Gerdy herself called us to give…
Following our boxer passing away at 14 after a long loving life, Joanne & I decided to get another dog. The only condition from her was it had to be small and not a puppy. We were delighted when we saw Yoshi and Satchi at Gerdy’s Rescue and fell in love with them both immediately. Two cute adorable guys.…
Emily passed away in 2023 after a courageous battle with cancer. She was an animal lover her whole life and was very attached to her best friend TouTou (see photo). We are thankful for the generous donation made to Gerdy’s Rescue from her loved ones according to Emily’s wishes.
« We adopted our adorable Beejoo in 2015. She was 7 year old.From the moment we met her, we knew she had adopted us !!She was the most gentle happy loving dog, always looking after « humans » to get cuddles. We took her on road trips several times and she was always playing the Queen of the…
McKenzie, crossed the rainbow bridge on April 27, 2024 a little after 5 pm. He showed little or no indication of an illness in the weeks or days prior to his passing. In the past week or 10 days he might not eat all his kibble but did eat all his protein and vegetables. McKenzie…
I adopted Milo, a Pom/Tibetan Spaniel mix, from Gerdy’s in 2005. Milo died on March 28, 2024 at the age of 20 or possibly 21. He was independent in his ways but a dear companion, especially after my husband’s death. Get Daddy to make you pancakes in heaven, Milo. I’ll be seeing you both. ~B.…
Unfortunately peanut passed away in July 2020. He brought so much joy and love to our family 😞 We miss him but he had a great home for the time we had him. Near the end he could t walk well but he loved being outside so we would bring him out in a knapsack.…
CELEBRATION OF LIFE, SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2023 1-5 PM, RIDEAU FUNERAL HOME, D.D.O. After a lengthy illness Gerdy Cox-Gouron, friend to all animals, died peacefully on February 21, 2023. Gerdy was the daughter of the late William Cox and Teresa Russell-Cox, the widow of the late Albert Gouron, and the niece of the late “Aunt…
We adopted Monty in 2012. He was a 4 1/2 year old golden doodle who came to us incredibly well trained and full of love and energy. I am sad to announce that he has passed away at the age of 15 1/2. His health was good up to the end, with no major illnesses. But…
We adopted Zack on October 24, 2010. He wasn’t responding to Zack, so we tried Jack. We learned shortly after that Jack was a Francophone. We continued with his French commands and slowly introduced him to some English. He learned well and quickly became a bilingual pooch.His beautiful ears were one of his many wonderful…
We wanted to share the sad news that Angus has unfortunately crossed the rainbow bridge on June 27th. We are incredibly grateful for the 8 years full years we had with him. He was the most gentle, kind loving dog. Everybody that knew him, loved him tremendously. He’s been with Andrew and I from the…
“ Lily aka Puppylicious , Miss Lily, came to our home in August 2017. Lily had to be rehomed due to personal circumstances not of her doing. We found out quickly of the “joyous fibres of love” decorating our house. We had more fun buying brushes grooming goodies & pet toys than getting things for…
In 2008, while expats living in Montreal, we adopted Cowboy. He was an energetic six month old that had been picked up on the highway by a passer-by that saw him tossed from a car. Although it took some time for him to trust, and to travel in a car without constant barking, he found his way first into…
Kyle (March 2002 – July 19, 2022). You were little but mighty. When you came home to us the odds were stacked against you but you showed everyone your fighting spirit and proved us wrong. For 4 years you were my mini side kick, whether it was standing at my feet or snuggled up next…
My wonderful Bearz – formerly Pico – has crossed the rainbow bridge. He lived to a ripe old age of almost 13 and was quite active right until the end. He accompanied me through so many life changes and never failed to put a smile on my face. Finally, his wonderful chubby body just gave…
Queen Kate, our beloved foster fail, you redefined unconditional love and taught us that patience and perseverance can have a marvellous end game. You were a trooper. R.I.P. beauty girl. ~Marilyn and Keevin
Born into a horrible puppy mill you came into our hearts and home so damaged at only 10 months old. What a life we had together. You were loved and protected by your human and animal pack until your peaceful, sudden death at 14 years old. R.I.P. Baba. ~Marilyn and Keevin
I was truly blessed to have had Anita in my life – she was/is sooo very very special. I am grateful to Gerdy’s Rescue for letting me adopt her. My beautiful Anita – you are such a gentle soul and yet a brave warrior – until we meet again my darling Anita xo ~ Brenda
“We had each other for such a short time, but treasure the memories of the time we had together. Fell in love with my Tony the first time I saw him and knew he was the partner and friend I needed to manage each day thru this rough two years of the pandemic. Sadly we…
It’s with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of our dear Oreo last week. Oreo was a 12-yr-old Border Collie/Springer Spaniel mix….but more importantly he was my best buddy and an amazing companion for the last 12 years. Still in amazing shape, Oreo would play fetch every night and we would walk him.…
It is with a broken heart that I must tell you that our beautiful boy had to leave us on December 26th (just shy of his 13th birthday).He came into our lives in 2009. You named him Cole–we called him Colie.He was a cross between a giant schnauzer and a collie. I called him my…
Hi Gerdy’s, I just wanted to let you know that Ricardo (formerly Clark) passed away recently. Ricardo was such a charming dog, and turned heads wherever he went. He never lost his love of baskets, and never turned down a chance to try one out. He will be missed by Wally and me. Thank you so…
March 2007-October 2021. Seven years ago, you came into our life after you were rescued while wandering in the woods. Once we met you, our hearts opened and our whole world became brighter. We became a family and you were our joy. Our playful, strong, beautiful and beloved Kai. What happiness you brought to us…
Harley Sept 24, 2007 – Aug 8, 2021 Harley was a special boy who loved to cuddle and play fetch. He was such a brave boy right up until he took his last breath, going peacefully in his sleep. Sadly missed by his sister Salley and of course his Mom. R.I.P my brave boy. xoxo…
We sadly have to say that Marco passed away 2 weeks ago. He was so special and our hearts won’t soon recover. He helped to raise a 10 year old to a now university student and our house is very empty now. Here are some photos from the last 9 years he had a beautiful Life…
Harry Skrimsli was a quiet and observant cat who always seemed to know what was going on in the house. Slow to trust, but very affectionate, once you knew him, you never stopped loving him. He was incredibly smart and always seemed to know how we were feeling. He liked to watch shows with us…
We were so blessed to have Jessie in our lives for almost ten years. He was a brave and sweet-natured little man who loved to bury his favorite toy in the garden only to promptly dig it up and bring it to the door, proudly wagging his tail and covered in dirt. He took it…
Stubborn, and independent but also devoted and loving PIN left us on March 8th, 2021 aged 13+ years. We always considered ourselves privileged Gerdy chose us to care for this wonderful dog who became such a central part of our family.Thank you Gerdy and thank you PIN for bringing so much happiness into our lives.…
In Memoriam Siggi was adopted from Gerdy’s on Saturday, May 5, 2005 and died of natural causes, unassisted on Saturday, February 27, 2021. We had always promised Siggi that he would die in his own home, in his own place and without assistance; if God wanted him back then God could take him back. Siggi…
He was an angel sent from God, Charlie was born on the 21st of May in 2003 and he had a wonderful life. In 2020 we all turned into snow birds and loved it. Charlie made friends everywhere we went ( 20 cities without snow). We used to go for long walks at the various…
Thank you Marilyn and Gerdy for bringing Trooper into our lives. While we were only supposed to foster him while his foster family went away for the week, after about 24 hours with him we knew we could never give him back. Adopting a senior dog is no easy feat, the love and devotion you…
To Gerdy, My dear friend It is with a shattered heart I am letting you know Sid passed away. After a lengthy fight to a degenerative hips condition, Sid couldn’t get up or walk anymore. This morning he closed his eyes peacefully at the vetenarian, cuddled by my side. We lost a companion, a friend…
We adopted Harley a Bernese / lab mix from Gerdy’s 6 years ago. He was 9 months. He had an accident in the woods on a walk and after 2 surgeries , he sadly passed away just shy of his 7th birthday. Harley was the best dog anyone could have wished for and he was…
Max, I will never forget the day I brought you home. You rescued me that day. You were what I was missing in my life. You were the sweetest most precious gift that gave me nothing but love and joy. You became my best friend and quickly stole my heart. With you by my side…
This was taken in 2015, Toby in the prime of his life. We adopted him from Gerdy’s Rescues in Nov. 2010. At age 2, he came close to being put down at the SPCA. Thankfully he was rescued by Gerdy’s Rescues. We found Toby’s story on their adoption website. Toby had to learn to trust…
I was the lucky person who, back in April 2012, got to adopt Miko, a Bernese Mountain Dog, from your organization. Miko was almost four years old at the time. Sadly, I have to tell you that I had to say goodbye to Miko last March. He had been diagnosed with leukemia in 2018, after…
Beautiful Angel was a wonderful and treasured companion to Gerdy’s Aunt Helen until Helen’s passing. Angel then became Gerdy’s roommate and best friend, living harmoniously until Angel died at age 16 in May 2020. She is deeply missed by Gerdy and by all who knew this beloved cat. ~ Gerdy G.
💐 We had to say a sudden goodbye to our sweet Soya today. She came to us very late in life, we were her retirement home. She got along with everyone and always knew when to tell any of her younger siblings off when they were being too rowdy. She will be missed as she…
Handsome Ricky crossed the Rainbow Bridge one year ago on Aug. 31, 2019. He had joined our family just 3 1/2 years before. When he left us, he was only 13 years old and still full of beans. He was so dashing, playful, loving, and super smart. He really “liked the ladies”. He loved greeting…