Ways to give:

We are a small, independent donor-supported group, dedicated to rescuing and adopting homeless and abandoned cats and dogs, and to promoting their humane treatment. We receive no government support.

We are an incorporated non-profit organization and a registered charity.
Our Business Number is: BN 86490 9072 RR0001.

Official tax receipts will be issued for donations of $10 and over.

To Gerdy’s Rescues by Mail

Gerdy’s Rescues and Adoptions
P.O. Box 21
Postal Station Victoria
Montreal, Quebec
H3Z 2V4

Canada Helps

We accept credit card donations through our secure CanadaHelps account. You will receive an instant tax receipt to print, by email (Canada only) for donations of $10 and over.


We accept credit card donations through our secure PayPal account. Please be sure to include both your email and mailing address so we can send you an official tax receipt (Canada only) for donations of $10 and over.

N.B. All tax receipts from PayPal donations will be issued before February of the following year.

Donate a Car Canada

You can turn your vehicle donation into generous dollars to support Gerdy’s Rescues & Adoptions!
Working on our behalf, Donate a Car Canada will accept your vehicle for donation — running, or not! Old or new!

There is no cost to you, and the process is incredibly easy. Donate a Car Canada will facilitate all aspects of your car donation from the pick up to the final sale, ensuring that your vehicle will be sold for the highest sale outcome possible. They will then forward the net proceeds on to us here at Gerdy’s Rescues & Adoptions and we will send you a tax receipt.

The Margaret Sheridan Glynn Memorial Fund

Margaret was an enthusiastic, passionate animal lover, she never hesitated when there was an animal to help. From transporting needy dogs on her weekends, to fostering and even helping to locally home stray dogs all the way from Greece. She was always willing to help as a genuine act of love.

Margaret also adopted many dogs over the years, and until her final days both her loyal companions, Tiramisu and Truffle remained by her side as a comfort. Margaret’s care and devotion will be missed by her family and the rescues where she volunteered. This is why to honour her memory, Margaret’s family wants to continue her charitable legacy by helping dogs to find their forever families with a fund in her name, at a rescue she adored.

Special instructions:
Donations will be accepted within our “Margaret Sheridan Glynn Fund” designation on CanadaHelps (choose from the drop down menu in the funds section), and our general fund designation on PayPal. Please note “For The Margaret Sheridan Glynn Memorial Fund” when donating.

The Debra O’Flaherty Memorial Fund

Debra was a super keen animal lover. Her and husband Ed adopted two abandoned brothers from Gerdy’s. These dogs had a rough start, and both had been re-homed 2x, prior to coming to Gerdy’s. When Debra fell ill in 2022 Snooky and Mackenzie were loyal caregivers, snuggling on her bed and making her smile.

Debra’s family created this fund for Gerdy’s Rescue to aid our mission of helping sick and abandoned animals and changing their future. The family had requested donations be made in Debra’s name at the time of her untimely passing.

Special instructions:
Donations will be accepted within our general fund designation on CanadaHelps and PayPal. Please note “For The Debra O’Flaherty Memorial Fund” when donating.

The Sharon Grant Fund

This fund was established by Gerdy to reflect Sharon’s passion for supporting, helping, and caring for as many dogs and cats as possible by promoting and fundraising for Gerdy’s Rescues and Adoptions for many years.

The Tyler Fund

This separate fund has been specifically established to assist people on limited income, as chosen by Gerdy, who are unable to cover all medical expenses for their much loved animals.

Special instructions:
For accounting purposes, if you are interested in contributing to “The Tyler Fund ONLY”, please make your cheque payable (No PayPal or CanadaHelps) to Gerdy’s Rescues & Adoptions Tyler Fund and it will be used exclusively for this purpose.

This separate fund was founded in memory of our beloved dog Tyler and dear friend Cecily Davies in order to bring hope and comfort to both animals and people in their time of need.

– Tyler’s family

The Molly Iny Fund

A donation by the Iny family has been received by Gerdy’s Rescues in loving memory of MOLLY INY, a beloved white Portuguese water dog who passed away from cancer just short of her 8th birthday.

We will be honoring their request to start an informal MOLLY INY FUND specifically intended to help our dogs who need surgeries other than sterilization.

If you want to help such a dog, just specify on your donation “for the Molly Iny Fund” and it will be used for that purpose. The family of Molly wish her memory to live on by her being able to inspire people to support Gerdy’s efforts to help the animals we take in who need surgeries because of injury, abuse, neglect, or abandonment.

Special instructions:
If you wish to have your donation go for this purpose, please mark your donations “For the MOLLY INY FUND”, thank you!

Gift baskets now available!

For all occasions and special holidays, enjoy delicious human treats while supporting Gerdy’s Rescues!

Proceeds go to the Molly Iny Fund at Gerdys to help animals in need of surgeries before adoption.

Each package contains a variety of chocolates and/or nuts

Small gift packages: $10.00

Medium gift packages: $18.00

Large gift packages: $24.00

CALL Marilyn at (514) 733-3625 or (514) 983-0118

Can also be purchased at BAKER’S VET. CLINIC at 8310 Mayrand, Montreal (514) 739-1935