In memory of Gusto who you knew as Gus. Happily he found us through another animal lover after Gerdy rescued him almost 14 years ago -and he and we never looked back. He was a wonderful, smart and affectionate dog who gave us so much joy. He was so handsome, receiving compliments til the day he died. People stopped in the street to ask what breed …( a nice mix) – and he was gorgeous! He lived a full life with us with lots of outdoor activity. He particularly loved winter and would lie out on the back porch in snowstorms! We loved rambling through the woods at the Morgan Arboretum with him and our daughter’s dog, Toby. He spent summers in PEI and was off the leash for months on end. He would return to the Montreal pavement with his furry paws pinkish from the red soil of PEI!
Thank you for all you do for animals – and for putting us together with dear Gusto.