Max, I will never forget the day I brought you home. You rescued me that day. You were what I was missing in my life. You were the sweetest most precious gift that gave me nothing but love and joy. You became my best friend and quickly stole my heart. With you by my side I never felt alone. Now I struggle to go on without you.
You were a fighter all your life .You fought so hard my little warrior and as long as you were willing we fought along with you but in the end your little body could only take so much. You knew we were struggling to pick a day to let you go so in the end you picked the day to say goodbye to us and we chose to give you peace. You broke our hearts on November 16, 2020. The house now feels empty without you and there is an empty space now on the floor. If only I could hold you one more time and gaze into your loving eyes. Thank you for the privilege of letting us share your life with you. I thank the lord for blessing us with you for 11 years. Heaven has gained another angel. You taught us so much about what it means to love unconditionally. It was because of your love for us and our love for you my sweet baby that we will do our best to help other fur babies in your name and honour.
Forever with you would not have been enough but hopefully you are finally healthy and free of pain to run and chase butterflies. Thank you for all the beautiful memories and although you are gone you will forever live in our hearts until the day we meet again.

Sleep peacefully my little angel.
Your loving family